Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Feliz Navidad!

Welcome to Christmas in Mexico!! I spent some time in Mexico the past few days trying to figure out what Christmas is like there. I had a difficult time because I don't speak Spanish! Can you help me by searching on the internet to see what Christmas in Mexico is like?

Also, I came by last night and saw the door to your classroom - HOLY COW!! You guys did an excellent job! I hope you win a great prize for that!!

Let me know what you find out!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Who was St Lucia?

Dear Grade 2s,
I have been busy lately! I am so glad you found the information I left for you about Germany and Italy! The next country I visited celebrates TODAY! December 13th is known as St Lucia Day!! Check out this video that explains it a bit more thoroughly!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Witch at Christmas??

Dear Grade 2,
Last night I went to a country that has a witch that delivers gifts!! I can't wait to tell Santa our job is a bit easier in that country. He will be relieved!

Check out this video about La Befana, the witch that delivers toys!!

Your friend,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dear Grade 2s...

Sunday December 8, 2013

Dear Grade 2 class,

I am writing to you to formally introduce myself. My name is Elfie and I will be working with you to help Santa retrieve his lost information! I am looking forward to working with all of you. Stay tuned for more information as I travel around the world sending you lots of information!

Your friendly elf,


Christmas in Germany

Monday December 9, 2013

Dear Grade 2,

Christmas in Germany is quite unique! From handmade wooden toys to pickles on the tree, it is definitely a unique experience! Check out the video below to learn more about Christmas in Germany! We need to help Santa! Check out the notes I sent for you!

From your friend,


Monday, November 4, 2013

Grumpy Cat!

Why is Grumpy Cat so Grumpy? What makes him look so grouchy all the time? Write a journal entry as Grumpy Cat. Tell me why you are grumpy, what happened?

What would you do to cheer Grumpy Cat up?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Who is the audience for this commercial?

Is Nintendo just for that audience?

Would they sell more if the commercial was different?

Sports Resort Video

How have the Ads changed?

Who is the new audience?

Why do you think they have changed?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Headline News!

Grade 2 Students travel to Kitchener to attend the Waterloo Groundwater Festival!

Go to the Martha Speaks Website (Click Here) and scroll down and click on Town Crier - Play Now. Here, you will create a newspaper headline and article detailing our trip last Friday.

Tasks - complete them in this order:
1. Write a brief article about going to the Ground Water Festival
2. Create a Heading (title) for the article
3. Create a Picture for the article (draw it like I did, or use one of the pre-made pictures - make sure it is relevant to your article though!!)
4. Give your picture a caption

After this, you can do the extras on the right (weather, word search, etc.).

When you are done, let Ms. MacKenzie know and she will save it so we can print them later! :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Great News Site!!

Teaching Kids News is an amazing site that includes real world news stories at a reading and interest level for children! Well worth a look!! Lots of great articles to share with our kids!