Welcome to Christmas in Mexico!! I spent some time in Mexico the past few days trying to figure out what Christmas is like there. I had a difficult time because I don't speak Spanish! Can you help me by searching on the internet to see what Christmas in Mexico is like?
Also, I came by last night and saw the door to your classroom - HOLY COW!! You guys did an excellent job! I hope you win a great prize for that!!
Let me know what you find out!
The Main Celebration in Mexico is called La Posada - Naomi, Madison
From December 16th until Christmas Eve, children often perform in processions or Posada - Peyton, Bella
In Mexico Christmas is celebrated from December 12th to January 8th - Brooklynn, Alyssa
One game that is often played at La Posada parties is Piñata - Bella, Peyton
Each night a different house holds the Posada party. At the final Posada on Christmas Eve, a manger and figures of Shepherds are put onto the board - Peyton, Bella
Santa Claus is not predominant but the bright red suit is represented in the traditional flower of the season. - Naomi, Madison
In Mexico, children get their main presents at epiphany on January 6th. - Peyton, Bella
On each Posada, children are given candies on a board. - Jakob, Josh
In Mexico, presents might also be brought by El Ninito Dios (baby Jesus) and Santo Clos (Santa Claus). - Bella, Peyton
The Three Wise Men bring gifts to children at La Posada. - Jakob, Josh
The Mexican people speak Spanish. - Peyton, Bella
The largest Angel Ornament was made in Mexico. - Bella, Peyton
The poinsettia is the flower that is used to decorate for La Posada.
In Mexico and other Latin American countries, besides using mail, sometimes kids wrap their letters to a small helium balloon and release it into the air so Santa gets them. - Naomi, Madison
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